Young girl wearing black framed glasses and holding up an Invisalign Teen retainer

Teen Aligners

Treatment designed for
the teenage years.

We’re happy to say Aligners are also available for teenagers! Teen Aligners offer all the same benefits as Aligners for adults, plus some additional features designed specifically for teens. The most important one is the blue indicator dots on each aligner which lets the orthodontist know if they have been worn for the appropriate amount of time. These indicator dots are key since, like the adult Aligners, the aligners must be worn for a minimum of 22 hours a day to work.

Many young adults can feel self-conscious about braces, making Teen Aligners’ nearly invisible appearance and the lack of food restrictions a game changer. So, if you’re confident they can stick with wearing them at least 22 hours a day, Teen Aligners are a perfect choice.

Your perfect
smile starts here.


Andy Turner Orthodontics
9329 S. Northshore Drive
Knoxville, TN 37922



M 8am–4pm
T 8am–4pm
W 8am–4pm
Th 8am–4pm

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